Thursday, 1 October 2009

this is not my week!

This is not my week! I was in a race with time. I go out to work and don't come back home until around 9 - 930 at night! I'm exhausted. And I still didn't find a dress for tomorrow's wedding babchy!
I don't remember What happened but I know that there is something that would make me want to cry and then laugh later, daily.
1.I hit my head really hard on a corner and thought I was bleeding!
2.I tried to relax by going for a massage I ended up being kind of injured, my neck was stiff and I couldn't sleep which I really really needed.
3.Witnessed 4 different car accidents on the same day at different places and 3 on the same highway.
4.When I'm in a hurry or late it just happens that the road is blocked by a broken down car or car accident or just some annoying small car that is indecisive as to which lane to take and stopping traffic!
5.Didn't accomplish anything yet although I've been out everyday until 9 pm searching and trying to achieve.
Tried to register for a course at KU ended up arguing with the admissions officer and almost getting into a fight! Ukkh I hate government employees and their attitudes and bureaucracy! Enarfezon ele maytenarfez! Btw my cousins' nickname for me is ice because I'm so mellow and unfazed by anything! So for me to get into a fight is a major thing!

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